
Welcome to the Millcreek-West Unity Distinguished Alumni Hall of Fame Webpage! Click here to see all of our Hall of Fame Inductees.


The purpose of the Millcreek-West Unity Schools Distinguished Alumni Hall of Fame is to recognize and honor Millcreek-West Unity school graduates or alumni*, which may include nominees from pre-consolidation schools (Alvordton High School and West Unity High School), who have achieved significant success in their chosen career fields, and to provide outstanding role models for the students in the Millcreek West Unity School District.

*alumni is defined as a graduate of a Millcreek West Unity School.


Click here to access our online nomination form.

Millcreek-West Unity


Mick Belcher
Mick Belcher

HoF Induction- 2024

Hilltop Class of 1966

Aaron Stuckey
Aaron Stuckey

HoF Induction- 2023

Hilltop Class of 1994

Scott Merillat
Scott Merillat

HoF Induction- 2020

Hilltop Class of 1991

Matthew Hollstein
Matthew Hollstein

HoF Induction- 2019

Hilltop Class of 1997

Leslie (Merillat) Hausmann
Leslie (Merillat) Hausmann

HoF Induction- 2018

Hilltop Class of 1995

J. Michael "Mike" McGuire
J. Michael "Mike" McGuire

HoF Induction- 2017

Hilltop Class of 1977

Berdon "Bob" Short
Berdon "Bob" Short

HoF Induction- 2017

Hilltop Class of 1976

Alice (Traxler) Tressler
Alice (Traxler) Tressler

HoF Induction- 2017

West Unity Class of 1940



    The core committee consists of 5 voting members. In an attempt to keep the group diverse, consideration of membership will include, but not be limited to, individuals with knowledge of Agribusiness, the Arts and Sciences, the Military, the Four County Career Center, specific eras, and the community, with an attempt to keep the group in terms of community representation.

    Terms for the core committee are unlimited. As vacancies occur, the Superintendent will present a slate of potential committee members at the next meeting. A discussion will be held and a vote taken. The nominee receiving the most votes will be selected. In the event of a tie, the top vote-getters will be voted on again.

    A quorum of members of the core committee is expected to permit the conduct of business. Proxy voting shall be permitted. Members may use electronic means, such as email or teleconference, to participate in the meetings and/or to cast their vote.

    These by-laws shall be amended by 2/3 affirmative vote ot the existing committee at the next meeting.

    • Graduates or alumni, living or deceased, of the Millcreek-West Unity Schools, are eligible for nomination.

    • Nominees shall have demonstrated good citizenship and meritorious service.

    • The record of the individual considered shall be so outstanding to the nominator that there is no question as to the qualifications necessary for induction.


    The committee shall make the Millcreek-West Unity Schools Distinguished Alumni Hall of Fame nomination form available to the general public via the Website, or pick up at the District Office. The committee and public-at-large may generate nominations. The deadline for nomination shall be December 31. The committee will receive copies of the nomination in January. Nominations received after December 31 will be held in consideration for future inductions.

    The committee will vote on the final inductee(s) by January 31.

    The inductee(s) selected will be notified by February 15.

    The recommended number of members to be inducted annually into "the hall" shall be 0-3 individuals.

    A nomination will remain in the active file for five years. The selections and induction process will be an annual event.


    The method of balloting will be whole-number rank order. Rank order voting ranks the first choice with the highest number to the last choice being the lowest number. The median of the rank order will be used to determine each nominee's ranking. The committee shall use its discretion in determining the need for additional voting. The committee will determine the number of choices after voting.


    The Distinguished Alumni Hall of Fame induction will take place at the annual Academic Awards Banquet. Each inductee and family members will be invited to attend the banquet. As part of the program, each inductee will provide a short speech. For those receiving a posthumous award, a family member will be provided an opportunity to speak on his/her behalf.


    Each inductee will receive a picture plaque, and a duplicate plaque will be displayed on the Distinguished Alumni Hall of Fame Board.

    • January to December- Generate Nomination

    • October- General meeting; if necessary

    • December 31- Deadline for nomination

    • January- Review nominations & final vote by 1-31

    • February- By mid-Febuary notify the inductee(s) of selection

    • March & April- Plan and prepare for the induction

    • May- Induction Ceremony at the Academic Banquet