Technology Department

Millcreek-West Unity Schools firmly believes that technology is a vital tool to prepare our students for academic excellence and their life experience after graduation. Our mission is to support students, staff, and the community at large in regards to the use of technology in the district.

We support a one-to-one device model for our students, enabling students to utilize digital resources more fully. We also have a variety of platforms (listed below) we leverage for engagement and instruction. If you have any questions about the use of technology in the district, or availability of resources for learning and instruction, please feel free to contact me!


    General Notice for Student Data in Regards to Technology External (Sent 10/24/2024)

    Dear Parents and Students:

    This serves as the District’s annual technology privacy notice consistent with Ohio Revised Code Sections 3319.325 - .327.

    Technology Provider Contracts

    Below, please find a linked list of all technology providers that have access to students’ educational records for the purpose of providing curriculum, testing, or assessment Services. This list can also be found on the Technology page of the District website. If you wish, you may review a copy of the District’s contract with any of the below technology providers, ask questions, or relay concerns by contacting the Technology Coordinator at

    Please note that, due to the recent changes in Ohio Revised Code Sections 3319.325 - .327, we are still working diligently to complete this list of technology providers.

    List of Approved Applications for Students:​hilltopapprovedapps

    General Monitoring of School-Issued Devices

    Please be aware that the District, either directly or through a technology provider, is electing to generally monitor all school-issued devices and district-managed accounts(as that term is defined by R.C. 3319.325). The monitoring will include student interactions with school-issued devices (e.g., keystrokes and web-browsing activity). The District generally monitors these features for the noncommercial education purpose of instruction, technical support, and/or exam proctoring. Additionally, these features are generally monitored as a necessary precaution for preventing and/or responding to threats to life or safety. Access to this monitoring data is protected and restricted to relevant staff and circumstances relating to the above purposes.

    If you have any questions about district monitoring of technology, please contact the Technology Coordinator at

    Digital Platforms

    We currently use Clever's SSO Portal Platform for managing student logins and resources. Students can login with their Hilltop Google Account using the link here.

    CIPA Internet Filter

    Our district currently implements a CIPA-compliant web filtering system for all student and staff devices. Our public wireless network (for BYOD devices) is also filtered. This is to ensure maximum compliance with CIPA and federal E-Rate mandates (see below for more information).

    If you have any questions about a particular resource and its' access status on the web filter, please contact the District Technology Coordinator via the information above.

    Online Content Laws and Regulations

    There are many online laws and regulations that are applicable to the educational environment and the rights of students, parents, and the district. It is important to know that the school district may provide consent for students to use online educational software and apps. It is also vitally important that the district complies with federal and local regulations. Millcreek-West Unity Local Schools strives to ensure all online software and apps comply with federal FERPA and CIPA laws.


    Family Education Rights and Privacy Act

    Link: What is FERPA?

    Link: About FERPA

    Link: FERPA Electronic Code of Federal Regulations


    Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA)

    Link: About CIPA

    Link: CIPA - E-rate Applicants

    NEOLA Board Policy Regarding Technology

    Please see the below NEOLA Board Policies regarding usage of district technology resources. NEOLA Board Policy can be viewed via this link.

    • Policy 5136 - Student Personal Communication Devices

    • Policy 5136.01 - Student Electronic Devices

    • Policy 5513 - Student Care of School Property

    • Policy 7540 - General Technology Use

    • Policy 7540.02 - Web Accessibility and Applications

    • Policy 7540.03 - Student Technology Acceptable Use and Safety

    • Policy 7540.06 - District-Issued Student Email Accounts

    • Policy 7542 - Access to District Resources and Networks
